Laboratory of the Bio Pilot Plant at the Leibniz-HKI.

Professorship for Synthetic Biotechnology

Prof. Dr Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum
Laboratory of the Bio Pilot Plant at the Leibniz-HKI.
Image: Anna Schroll
Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Portrait Prof. Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Prof. Agler-Rosenbaum is not only head of the Professorship for Synthetic Biotechnology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, she also leads the Bio Pilot PlantExternal link at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI).

Laboratory of the Bio Pilot Plant at the Leibniz-HKI.
Laboratory of the Bio Pilot Plant at the Leibniz-HKI.
Image: Anna Schroll